Tag Archives: Ultimate Advisor Coaching

Episode 17 – Becoming the Talk of the Community — With Bryan Sweet, Founder of Sweet Financial Services

Sweet Financial Services recently hosted an event featuring Chris Gardner, the real-life inspiration for the movie “The Pursuit of Happyness.” 

Their motivational event drew in over 1700 community members. Plus, the firm made the cover of four newspapers and landed an interview with their local TV station. 

This isn’t a big firm by any means. So how did they manage to pull off an event of this scale?

Our guest, Bryan Sweet, founder of Sweet Financial Services, graciously shares how this buzzworthy event came together. Bryan also shares why he is a believer in mastermind groups, a new way to think about being consistent in your messaging, and why he credits his marketing success to his team.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • What Bryan’s team did to promote their event
  • What organization Bryan used to get amazing exposure for their event
  • How the concept of “who” versus “how” can drastically change your approach to new projects
  • What to do when you’re not seeing results from your paid ads
  • And more!

Tune in now and get fired up to organize an event that will give your community a lasting impression of your firm!

Resources:  WealthVest | Sweet Financial Services | Leverage | The Ultimate Advisor Podcast | Ultimate Advisor Coaching